My posting has been getting more and more sparse it feels like. I'm having difficulty working with all the ideas in my head and then actually getting to work on them. I need to kick my butt into high gear!
I think today I'm going to work on making some floral hair clips. Just as soon as I tear myself away from the computer. :) It's so easy to lose track of time and get lost in reading others' blogs or look on the interwebs for inspiration. By the time I'm revved up to start getting to work, the day is already gone! Oh Father Time, can you spare a few more hours?!
But before I venture off into the world of felt and hot glue....maybe just a little update about my job/education situation and perhaps some picture sharing!
So, rather quickly...I'm still waiting to find out if I'm eligible for tuition reimbursement. I have to meet with a counselor to discuss if my job skills are in demand. If they're in demand, they'll help me with finding another job but if they're not then that's one of the major factors that will determine whether or not I'm eligible. February 3rd is the day! It'll be nice to know after almost 4 months of unemployment what the next step is. I'm eager to be doing
Now, for picture sharing! I'm an avid watcher of "What Not to Wear" on the TLC channel. It's my girly guilty pleasure. I realize, at almost 27, I've been dressing myself, for the most part, much the same way I did in high school. Jeans, t-shirts, and hoodies. I feel like I've gotten to the point where I need to start dressing my age. Overall, I just feel the desire to look more put together. That will require a lengthy overhaul of my wardrobe that, no doubt, will take a good bit of time considering I don't have $5000 to spend on a new wardrobe. Bits and pieces, bits and pieces. For a long time, I was wearing these very unattractive sneakers with everything. Even when I would wear dressier black pants with a nice top, those would be my shoes of choice. I just didn't have a selection of cute shoes to choose from. Thanks to a very wonderful and generous family, I received a good number of gift cards for Christmas. So, I decided to update my shoe wardrobe first!

Above are two cute, comfortable pairs of flats that can be worn with jeans, dress pants, and skirts alike! Very versatile and I love the little embellishments and pops of color. Simple enough to work with multiple outfits but unique enough for my taste! (Our skinny cat, Cinnamon-- who's actually fat-- became very loving when I sat on the floor to take the pictures. She kept purring and rolling around on the floor. I guess she thought I was getting ready to pet her. Poor thing...I'll give her some love and pets today!)

I needed to have a couple of choices for heels, as well. I don't have much to say about these as I feel they speak for themselves. So cute! And you wouldn't think it but they're comfortable, too! I'm definitely largely influenced by comfort.
So, I feel my shoe wardrobe has been properly made over and will last me for quite some time! Now the clothing is next. Bits and pieces, my friends! Bits and pieces.